§ 1-644.  Collaborative law participation agreement; requirements.

(a) A collaborative law participation agreement must meet all of the following requirements:

(1) Be in a record.

(2) Be signed by the parties and their collaborative lawyers.

(3) State the parties' intention to resolve a collaborative matter through a collaborative law process under this Article.

(4) Describe the nature and scope of the collaborative matter.

(5) Identify the collaborative lawyer who represents each party in the collaborative law process.

(6) Contain a statement by each collaborative lawyer confirming the collaborative lawyer's representation of a party in the collaborative law process.

(7) State that the collaborative lawyers are disqualified from representing their respective parties in a proceeding before a tribunal related to the collaborative matter, except as provided in G.S. 1-647, 1-649(c), 1-650, or 1-651.

(8) Provide an address for each party where any notice required under this Article may be sent.

(b) Parties may agree to include in a collaborative law participation agreement additional provisions not inconsistent with this Article. (2020-65, s. 1.)