§ 120-10.2.  Definitions.

As used in this Article, the following terms mean:

(1) Clerk. - The Principal Clerk of the house in which the election of the seat is being contested.

(2) Committee. - The Committee on Rules of the appropriate house unless, by rule, the house has designated another committee to hear contests.

(3) Contest. - A challenge to the apparent election of a member of the General Assembly or a request to determine an undecided election to a seat of the General Assembly in accordance with the provisions of this Article.

(4) Contestant. - An unsuccessful candidate in an election to which this Article applies who initiates a contest.

(5) Contestee. - A candidate in an election to which this Article applies who is not a contestant.

(6) Notice of intent. - The notice required to initiate a contest in accordance with the provisions of this Article.

(7) Unsuccessful candidate. - A candidate for an elective office to which this Article applies who has not been issued a certificate of election. (2005-3, s. 2.)