Part 7. Annexations Initiated by Municipalities.

§ 160A-58.50.  Declaration of policy.

It is hereby declared as a matter of State policy:

(1) That sound urban development is essential to the continued economic development of North Carolina.

(2) That municipalities are created to provide the governmental services essential for sound urban development and for the protection of health, safety, and welfare in areas being intensively used for residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, and governmental purposes or in areas undergoing such development.

(3) That municipal boundaries should be extended in accordance with legislative standards applicable throughout the State to include such areas and to provide the high quality of governmental services needed therein for the public health, safety, and welfare.

(4) That areas annexed to municipalities in accordance with such uniform legislative standards should receive the services provided by the annexing municipality.

(5) That the provision of services to protect the health, safety, and welfare is a public purpose.

(6) That it is essential for citizens to have an effective voice in annexations initiated by municipalities. (2011-396, s. 9.)