§ 74F-4.  Definitions.

The following definitions apply in this Chapter:

(1) Apprentice. - A person who has been issued an apprenticeship designation by the Board.

(1a) Board. - The North Carolina Locksmith Licensing Board.

(2) Code book. - A compilation, in any form, of key codes and combinations.

(3) License. - A certificate issued by the Board recognizing the person named therein as having met the requirements to perform locksmith services as defined in this Chapter.

(4) Locksmith. - A person who has been issued a license by the Board.

(5) Locksmith services. - Services that include repairing, rebuilding, rekeying, repinning, servicing, adjusting, or installing locks, mechanical or electronic locking devices, access control devices, egress control devices, safes, vaults, and safe-deposit boxes for compensation or other consideration, including services performed by safe technicians. The definition also includes any method of bypassing a locking mechanism of any kind, whether in a commercial, residential, or automotive setting, for compensation.

(6) Locksmith tools. - Any tools that are designed or used to open a mechanical or electrical locking device in a way other than that which was intended by the manufacturer. (2001-369, s. 1; 2003-350, ss. 1, 2; 2013-370, s. 3.)